Criminal Defense

Woman on Phone With Social Media Icons
Criminal Defense

The Impact of Social Media in Criminal Cases

In today’s digital world, social media has become a force to be reckoned with in criminal investigations, how evidence is gathered, examined, and presented in court. Posts, photos, and even comments can impact jury selection,

Public Drinking at Playground
Criminal Defense

What is Considered Disorderly Conduct in Tennessee?

Disorderly conduct in Tennessee is a broad term that encompasses various behaviors, such as public fights or loud noise that disturbs the peace. Although it’s a misdemeanor, a disorderly conduct charge can get you fined,

Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Police in Tennessee?
Criminal Defense

Do You Have to Identify Yourself to the Police in Tennessee?

When interacting with a law enforcement officer, understanding your rights can make a critical difference in how the situation unfolds. One of the most common points of confusion is whether you are legally required to

Hands in Handcuffs
Criminal Defense

What is a Felony Charge in Tennessee?

A felony in Tennessee is a big deal, these are the most serious charges in the state. Understanding the criminal justice process is crucial when dealing with such serious charges. Felonies are all over the

Woman Attacked Outside Car
Criminal Defense

Differences Between Simple vs Aggravated Assault

Assault is when you do something that can cause physical harm or threaten to cause harm to another person. It’s important to know the different types of assault as they have different legal consequences. There

Man in Handcuffs with Two Cops
Criminal Defense

What is the Three Strikes Law in Tennessee?

Tennessee’s three strikes law, also known as the habitual offender law, is a piece of legislation designed to imposes harsher penalties on those with multiple felony convictions. A repeat violent offender is someone with two

Criminal Defense

The Role of Forensic Evidence in Tennessee Murder Trials

A murder charge is the most serious offense anyone can be charged with. The prosecution has the burden to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt. They rely on forensic evidence to persuade the

What Are Your Options When A Plea Deal Is Offered?
Criminal Defense

What Are Your Options When A Plea Deal Is Offered?

You’ve been charged with a crime and the prosecution offers you a plea deal. Do you take it? While that can sound tempting when you’re facing serious charges, there are certain risks to consider. Before

Bail Changes That Affect Misdemeanor Offenders
Criminal Defense

Bail Changes That Affect Misdemeanor Offenders

Nashville’s bail reform aims to create a fairer justice system. The previous system required cash bail for almost all misdemeanor offenses, often trapping low-income individuals in jail who couldn’t afford to pay their way out

ask the right questions during the first meeting with a criminal defense attorney
Criminal Defense

Important Questions to Ask a Criminal Defense Attorney

If you’ve been charged with a crime, you must be aware that the most important step is finding an experienced Nashville criminal defense attorney to guide you through the complex legal process and fight the

a good criminal defense attorney can help you get a lenient sentence
Criminal Defense

How To Find A Criminal Defense Attorney

You’ve found yourself in some legal trouble in Nashville, Tennessee, and now you need a criminal defense attorney. Finding the right lawyer can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. The key is doing

Byron L. Pugh
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