Drug Crimes

Man Holding Drugs for Sale Behind His Back
Drug Crimes

Understanding Simple Possession and Casual Exchange in Tennessee

Navigating the legal landscape of drug-related criminal offenses in Tennessee can be daunting, particularly when it comes to charges like simple possession and casual exchange. Despite shifts in public opinion across the country toward decriminalization,

Drug Court in Nashville TN
Drug Crimes

Drug Court In Nashville

Drug court is an alternative to regular criminal court. It’s a specialized program designed for non-violent offenders struggling with substance abuse issues. Rather than jail time, you’re enrolled in an intensive court-supervised treatment program. You’ll

drug trafficking charges carry very severe penalties
Drug Crimes

The Legal Implications of Drug Trafficking Charges in Tennessee

If you are charged with drug trafficking, you must secure legal representation immediately. Unlike simple possession, drug trafficking charges carry very severe penalties. The legal implications of these charges can loom like a shadow over

drug possession is a crime in our state
Drug Crimes

Defending against Drug Possession Charges in Nashville

In Nashville, TN being found in possession of certain drugs and controlled substances is illegal. The police do not have to prove that you consumed or intended to traffic the respective drugs. Simple possession is

prescription drug fraud is a serious offense
Drug Crimes

Prescription Drug Fraud: Legal Consequences and Defense Strategies

As a resident of Tennessee, it’s important you understand the laws around prescription drugs to avoid legal trouble.  The state closely monitors the distribution of controlled substances like painkillers, sedatives, and stimulants. Forged or altered

Byron L. Pugh
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